7. out='xx'  Where to write output


RXS may be conducted to write on any dataset.

As default - if out is not assigned a value - output is written to default stdout dataset according to section 5.

If general order out is assigned the name of an existing dataset, RXS will write to this dataset.

Dataset names must be fully qualified and stated in single or double quotes. (They must be in quotes because RXS considers any non-quoted string as the name of a variable).

Example 7.1:

)action out='myuser.myout(hugo)'       

nbr = random()

'Square of' nbr 'is' nbr**2


Writing is done in member 'hugo' in dataset 'myuser.myout'

The dataset stated as out has to exist before the execution of the RXS program hits the action block. A member name stated as part of out may or may not exist. Writing will delete any prior content in the dataset or the member.

out may also denote an internal queue. This core feature of RXS is discussed in section 11.

The file concept in RXS is generalized. The table below lists the different file-types which RXS is able to write:


If out contains...

...and the file is...

then this happens...


out contains:


...at least one '.'

a mainframe file (FB, VB, U, spanned). (VSAM files are not supported in RXS)

the file is written



...at least one '.'

a MQSeries queue

the queue is written



...at least one '.' and one '(' and one ')'

a member in a partitioned mainframe file (FB, VB, U, Spanned)

the member is written



...at least one '/'

A UNIX (HFS) file on mainframe

the file is written



...none of these

an internal queue in RXS

the queue is written




7.1 Member statistics is always updated when writing a member


Current date. Formatted in the 'national' date format by ISPF


Current date in 'national' date format


Current time, hour and minute. tt:mm


Current  time, seconds, ss


The constant 'RXS'


The number of records written in the member. The maximum value is 65535, but actual number of written records have no limit.