39. )interface

)interface halts the RXS program and starts an edit-session (or browse session) on the indicated internal RXS queue. When the user presses F3 (end) in the edit-session, the RXS program is resumed.


General order in names the internal RXS queue to be presented in the ISPF-editor in the user interface. The queue may or may not exist prior to beeing presented in )interface. If the queue does not exist, the user will be shown an empty edit screen.

)interface is a way of getting complex input from the user. This might for instance be used in a RXS programming of an editor for some special resources: a MQ-queue, a SQL-table etc.

)interface may also be used for debugging by showing the content of internal queues during the execution of the RXS program.

If a queue contains both unit.1 and unit.2, then )interface will in browse, not edit, show both elements of the queue, separated by ##.



The function interface(q_name) using a queue-name as its argument, returns '1' if the indicated queue q_name has been changed by the user in an )interface session in the current RXS program.


Example 39.1

)action in='ourgrp.thisque'

)&      func='mqdrain'

)&      out='q1'



)interface in='q1'

)action in='q1'

)&      outfunc='mqput'

)&      out='ourgrp.thisqueue'



This is a very primitive editor for a MQSeries queue. 'ourgrp.thisque' is a MQSeries queue. The messages of the queue is presented in an edit-session, one line per message, and the user may alter, delete or add messages. When pressing F3, these messages are written back  to the MQSeries queue.